i enjoyed the early sun and higher temps today/yesterday, but i feel like 72°F didn’t used to feel this hot. like, standing in the sun even in the low 70s feels OPPRESSIVELY hot now. am i losing my mind? just getting older? or is warm weather feeling warmer than it used to even at the same temps?
@davidcelis it’s too early in the season and the humidity was a bit on the high side. Signed, a lifelong Portland metro resident
@vi_zzyzx yeahhhh it’s not a new feeling though, i’ve felt this way about our summers for a couple years now. i know that in general we’re seeing hotter days, but i feel like even in the mornings before the temp skyrockets, it feels way hotter in direct sunlight than it used to
@davidcelis I haven’t felt massive changes, but I’ve lived right next to a river for most of the last decade so I’m sure it’s evening things out somewhat